وظائف اليوم

مطلوب مندوب مبيعات

مطلوب مندوب مبيعات خارجي لاحدى الشركات المهتمة بالمواد الغذائية , اقصى سن هو 35 سنة لديه القدرة على الاقناع المزايا – تأمين طبي و اجتماعي – مرتبات مجزية تفاصيل المرتب اول 3 شهور المرتب ثابت 4 الاف جنية كل شهر ثابت بدون تارجت مطلوب بعد مرور 3 شهور يصبح المرتب …

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وظائف خاليه – البنك العقارى

Egyptian Arab Land Bank is Currently looking for Finance Officers with the following criteria: · Bachelor’s degree in: Commerce – Accounting Section is preferable, Finance degree or equivalent with at least good grade (accumulative). · Excellent English language. . Excellent written communication skills in Arabic. · Excellent Communication and Negotiation …

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مطلوب HR- السادس من اكتوبر

A leading company located in 6th of October is hiring Senior HR Generalist (Talent Acquisition) with following requirements: Job Description • Handling the Hiring process Recruits, interviews, and facilitates the hiring of qualified job applicants for open positions; collaborates with departmental managers to understand skills and competencies required for openings …

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مطلوب محاسب – السعوديه

Arabian Construction Co. – Egypt’s Branch is urgently hiring the following vacancies: Accountant SR. Accountant -not less than 4:5 years of experience at AP/ AR -SAP user is preferred Interested candidates, kindly send your CV to: [email protected] mentioning the job title in the subject. E-mails without subject will be ignored. …

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مطلوب محاسب عام

مطلوب لشركة بن شاهين فى الدقي** محاسب_عام** **- خبرة بداية من سنتين الي ثلاثه سنوات كمحاسب عام في مجال الحسابات العامه** **- مؤهل عالي ( بكالوريوس تجارة )** **- الحد الاقصي للسن 28** **- راتب اساسي + حافز ربع سنوى** **- تأمينات صحيه و اجتماعيه** **للتقديم يرجي ارسال ال CV …

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وظائف خاليه – شركة انشاءات

#Purchasing_Officer is required for a leading construction company located in Cairo with the following #Qualifications: • Bachelor degree •4_8 years of solid experience in construction field is a must •Have experience in #electrical section is a #must •Excellent communication skills •Negotiation skills. If you have the above qualification and interested …

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