#LG_Electronics_Egypt is hiring:
•Position: Drawback Accountant
•Location: Factory (10th of Ramadan).
•Drawback department is responsible for:
– Refunding all customs duties of materials used in manufactured exported goods.
– Following up with ICA to issue studies for all New TV & WM production model.
•Duties & Responsibilities
– Prepare monthly settlement using Microsoft Excel including the quantity of Import and Export per each certificate.
– Prepare the the required documents and deal with Export customhouse.
– Follow up with ICA to issue studies for all New TV & WM production model.
•Job Requirements:
– Bachelor’s degree in Commerce or related studies.
– 1-2 years of experience.
– Good in English.
– Good in MS Office (Excel/PowerPoint).
– Excellent time management skills and multitasking ability.
– Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
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